
Our Services


At IHC, we work closely with participants with disability and provide them assistance with the Transportation services to build capacity and improve community participation. We provide assisted transport services for medical, personal, and social appointments.

Household Tasks

The household tasks which require more effort or can make some participants feel uncomfortable are catered to by us. These include household tasks like cleaning, gardening, etcetera. We take it on us, while the participants can focus on themselves and their well-being.

Service Coordination

Our team is experienced in managing referrals and proactive in following through varied services such as Physiotherapy, exercise physiologist, occupational therapy, dietician, speech pathology, registered nurses, psychotherapist, and social workers.

High Intensity Activities

Our team of skilled and professional workers delivers high intensity supports to NDIS participants, to carry out high intensity daily personal activities. We have access to skills and knowledge which is required to deliver the supports to the participants efficiently, and hence, acknowledging their needs effectively.

Assist Personal Activities

Our skilled and experienced Personal care workers provide home care and assist the participants with their daily tasks, and support and supervise their personal activities like personal hygiene, eating and drinking, attending appointments, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and many more. We support them to live as independently as they can whilst being comfortable.

Community Participation

Our team assists the participants with disability to be a part of the community and educates them at certain points which allows them to participate actively. We understand the importance of being connected to a community which we can call our own, hence, we walk the extra mile to extend support in the best possible manner.

Community Nursing Care

IHC is registered to provide nursing services like wound care, catheter care, medication administration including sub-cut injections, enteral feeding and management, trachea care, and continence assessments, bowel management. All these services are provided to participants with disabilities by qualified staff, to ensure their health and well-being.

Assist-Life Stage Transition

IHC provides quality assistance to all participants, to be able to adapt and manage transitions in life stages. Our pro-active approach allows the participants to coordinate with the transitions, as it certainly strengthens their ability for the same. We always assist them, whilst following a short and long-term support plan and enable them to be an active member of the community. We offer assistance with decision making, budgeting and planning, skill development and in other areas of transition.